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MechWarrior 2 Pilots

I'm maintaining a list of enemy pilots' names, have you ever noticed that enemy mechs have names? Well, if you want, you can also e-mail me some that you've found. After that, we can add this list to Will Day's FAQ, if he wants it, that is.

In fact, Jon Vanbragt said that these are names of Activision's staff and friends. His appears in a mech in the mission, Umber Wall. Thanks Jon and <>!

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St. Col. Hugo
St. Col. Sanders
Nv. Cap. Hamilton
Nv. Cap. Malthus
Nv. Cap. Rodgers
Nv. Cap. Hwang
St. Col. Pryde
Nv. Col. JuhaCarns
St. Col. Simpson
Nv. Cap. Brown
Nv. Cap. Chistu
Nv. Col. Xavier
Nv. Cap. Marston
Nv. Cap. Burton
Nv. Col. Findley
Lt. Col. Patrick Kell
Nv. Cap. Bradley
Nv. Cpt. Vlad
St. Cap. Scharf
St. Cpt. Gerha
St. Col. JonVanBrag
t St. Col. Buhallin
Nv. Cap. Young
Nv. Cap. Kant
Nv. Cap. Stanfill
St. Cap. Griffith
St. Col. Morrison
Nv. Cap. Huxley
St. Col. Page
St. Col. Mikael
St. Cap. Ian
St. Cap. Xavier
G. Cmd. D.Radick
St. Cmd. Spinale
St. Cap. Kotick
Nv. Cap. Marks
Nv. Cap. Hoyt
Nv. Cap. Esad
Nv. Cap. Gershenfeld
Nv. Cap. Hanlon
St. Col. White
Nv. Col. Chookolingo
Nv. Col. Lasky
Nv. Col. Helmer
Nv. Col. Rubin
Nv. Col. Tulo
G. Cmd. Vesce
G. Cmd. Norman
G. Cmd. White
G. Cmd. Hullet
G. Cmd. Findley
St. Cpt. Haines
St. Cpt. Douglas
St. Col. Grejel
Nov. Col. Joanna
St. Cap. Annie
Nv. Cpt. Rykes
Nv. Cpt. Janis
Nv. Col. ArnMalthus
Nov. Col. Saam
Nov. Cmd. Kinnear
Mw. Vesce
Mw. Eveline
Nov. Cpt. Marschke
Nov. Cpt. Gibson
St. Cpt. Lorr
St. Cpt. Karen
Nv. Com. Maxwell
St. Cpt. Brett
St. Cpt. Clarence
Nv. Com. Kathy
St. Cpt. Jack
St. Cmd. Osborne
Nv. Cmd. Rawlings
Mw. Dingo
St. Cmd. Fuchsia
St. Cmd. Brin
Mw. Cutter
Nv. Cmd. Rhodes
St. Cap. Andretti
Nv. Cmd. Unser
Nv. Cmd. Clarke
St. Cap. Jones
St. Cap. Herb
Nv. Col. Bransar
Nv. Col. Natahan
Nv. Cpt. Draper
St. Cpt. Shatner
St. Capt. Buck
St. Capt. Ken
Nov. Col. Austin
Nov. Col. Marcel
Nov. Col. Fudd
Mechwarrior Zack
Nv. Cmd. Kinnear
Mary Lasker
Lt. Anne Finn
St. Cmd. Sortiz
Lt. Col. Patrick Kell
St. Cmd. Alger
Mw. Eveline
Mw. Scoufas
Mw. Vesce
Mw. Chaston

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Last update @ May 6 1998.
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